Name That Tune at The Station General Store & Taproom
Date and Time
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM EDT
Contact Information
The Station | 336.753.8002
Name That Tune is now happening EVERY 2nd & 4th THURSDAY at The Station General Store and Taproom! It begins at 6:30pm and runs to 8:30pm just like Trivia Night!
Each week we will have two announced themes and a third mystery theme where you have to guess the common theme! You can get one point for knowing the band or artist the song is credited to, one point for knowing the song title, and TWO POINTS if you know both! There is also a trivia question at the end of each round related in some way to one of the musicians from that round!
August 10th our categories are Artists/Bands from NC and 90's Alternative Rock (and of COURSE our mystery theme where you have to guess something the songs have in common)!
We will update this event page as soon as we know if a Food Truck will be there!
It's a lot of fun and we hope you'll join us each week at The Station for Trivia or Name That Tune!!