Superhero Trivia Night | The Station
Date and Time
Thursday Aug 15, 2024
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM EDT
Contact Information
The Station | 336.753.8002
Holy Trivia, Batman! We've got a Comic Book themed event night for you at The Station in Mocksville on Thursday, August 15th at 7:30!
We'll have two rounds dealing with Comic Books, so brush up on your Marvel and DC! It will be complete with pictures, video clips, and songs to identify as per usual!
That's not all! We're also encouraging you to come dressed as your favorite superhero! We'll have a costume contest for those of you who come representing!!
Our other category that evening is our Season 5 theme of Number of the Week! That evening we will be doing questions & answers revolving around 36, 37, & 38!
Our Food Truck that evening will be one of my personal favs, Pie Guys Pizza & More! Each of their very fairly priced personal pizzas come with a delicious honey cream sauce to drizzle over your pie! I highly recommend trying it!
Hope to see you and your super squad out that evening at The Station!!